4th International Conference on Revitalization of Indigenous and Minoritized Languages
About the Conference
The 4th International Conference on the Revitalization of Indigenous and Minoritized Languages will be held September 12-14, 2025 at Kyoto University, Japan. Yoshida South Campus, Institute for Liberal Arts and Sciences Building. The first conference was held in Spain (Barcelona and Vic) in 2017. The second was held in Brazil (Brasilia) in 2019 and the third in 2022 across Spain (Girona) and France (Perpignan). The conference’s main objective is to provide a forum for exchanging information and dialogue on experiences and research related to language revitalization. Researchers, activists, language professionals, and graduate students are especially welcome.
Department of Language Sciences, Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies, Kyoto University / Research Group for Multilingual Society
Linguapax Asia
Executive Committee
TUKAHARA, Nobuyuki [TUKAHARA, Nobuyuki] (Kyoto University)
KAKIHARA, Takeshi [KAKIHARA, Takeshi] (Kwansei Gakuin University)
Scientific Committee
- BARRIERAS, Mònica (Universitat de Barcelona)
- COMAJOAN-COLOMÉ, Llorenç (Universitat de Vic)
- COMELLAS, Pere (Universitat de Barcelona)
- CORONEL-MOLINA, Serafín M. (Indiana University)
- FUJII, Kumiko [FUJII, Kumiko] (Toyo University)
- FUKUDA, Makiko (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
- GARCÍA, Ana Isabel (Universidad de Antioquia)
- HAGIO, Sho (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
- LI, Bi-chhin [LI, Bi-chihn] (National Taiwan Normal University)
- ISHIBE, Naoto [ISHIBE, Naoto] (Nihon University)
- JANG, Ji Son (Universidad de Antioquia)
- KADOJA, Hidenori [KADOJA, Hidenori] (The National Institute of Technology Tsuyama College)
- KAKIHARA, Takeshi [KAKIHARA, Takeshi] (Kwansei Gakuin University)
- KIMURA, Goro Christoph [KIMURA, Goro Christoph] (Sophia University)
- KO, Minjeong [KO, Minjeong] (Chiba University)
- MAHER, John (International Christian University)
- NAKASHIMA, Takeshi (Hyogo University of Teacher Education)
- NAWA, Katsuo [NAWA, Katsuo] (The University of Tokyo)
- SANO, Aya (Sophia University)
- SANO, Naoko [SANO, Naoko] (Aichi Prefectural University)
- TUKAHARA, Nobuyuki (Kyoto University)
- WATANABE, Hibi (The University of Tokyo)
- YAMASHITA, Hitoshi [YAMASHITA, Hitoshi] (Osaka University)
- YOSHIDA, Shingo [YOSHIDA, Shingo] (Hitotsubashi University)
Steering comittee
- BARRIERAS, Mònica (Universitat de Barcelona)(secretariat of the committee)
- COMAJOAN-COLOMÉ, Llorenç (Universitat de Vic) (secretariat of the committee)
- CORONEL-MOLINA, Serafín M. (Indiana University)
- FERRERÓS, Carla (Universitat de Girona) (secretariat of the committee)
- GRENOBLE, Lenore (University of Chicago)
- LINN, Mary (Smithsonian Institution)
- METTOUCHI, Amina (École Pratiques des Hautes Études, CNRS, LLACAN)
- SALLABANK, Julia (University of London)
- SUELLY, Ana (Universidade de Brasília)
- TUKAHARA, Nobuyuki (Kyoto University)
This meeting will cover topics such as
Linguistic Diversity and Revitalization
Intersection of research, theory, and practice
History of Diversity: Language and Territory
Documentation of indigenous and minority languages: vocabulary and grammar
L1, L2, foreign or familiar origin (provenance) language, indigenous language as global language
Indigenous Languages and Technology
Teaching and Learning
Good practices, methodologies, and strategies
Pragmatics in Language Education
Ethnography and various narratives about language education, ethno-education
Digital Society and Language Learning
Language Communities and Sociocultural Visions
Language as a Vehicle of Culture
Intellectual and cultural roles of indigenous and minoritized languages
Socio-cultural knowledge and practices
Linguistic Attitudes and Ideology
Neo-speakers and Re-indigenization (Revernacularization)
Language and Power
Bottom-up and top-down language policy and planning
Decolonization and Globalization
Language rights
Language Testing and Language Evaluation
Dialectology and Standardization