Aragonese courses for adults aim initially to make a sector of the population literate and then to make Aragonese known to the whole non-autochthonous population, which makes up the majority.
The language courses are face-to-face for the adult population and are divided into different levels (A1, A2, B1 and C2). They take place at various locations: Aran Valley, University of Lleida and Barcelona. The course is run from October to May with a total of 60 hours of tuition. The enrolment period opens halfway through September. At the end of the course (June) the students sit the official exams and can obtain an official certificate issued by the Conselh Generau (highest body in the Aran Valley which has the authority to teach the language to adults). The exams can be sat again in September. There are two hours of classes per week per level. There is a possibility that they may not be face-to-face but if the student wants to obtain an attendance certificate, he/she has to attend 80% of the classes.
The A1 and A2 levels are basically oral learning levels with the introducing of orthographical and grammatical aspects but always geared towards using the language orally; the B and C levels give priority to more complex orthographical and grammatical aspects, and here the aim is to correctly master writing in the language and taking the oral aspect further. The idea is to enable the student to write, read and speak correctly using language that is suited to the language situation or to produce a text that is grammatically and orthographically correct.