The magazine Bisas de lo Subordán combines the aims of being a medium of communication and popularisation not only of content but also of language matters.
It has more or less regular sections that we could summarize as People, News, Information about institutions and associations, reportages and interviews, literary section, notes on flora and fauna, leisure and diversions. The reportages usually cover current affairs and often the ethnological and historical dissemination of the valley as well. The contributors send in proposals of articles that are received and accommodated into the magazine in each edition. Participation is totally voluntary and disinterested. It can be in Spanish or in Cheso-Aragonese.
The main motivation was information so as to function as a magazine providing news and disseminating the history of the valley. Aragonese is used naturally as it is the mother tongue of nearly all the inhabitants, and people are aware of the need to provide it with dignity.