“Euskara Merkataritzara” is a programme designed to increase the use of Basque in retail outlets in the Cuenca de Pamplona district. It is an ongoing, unified programme to bring together all the municipalities and make use of their synergies instead of having each municipality work on its own. Any retail outlet in these municipalities is free to participate, and whoever wishes to participate is offered comprehensive assistance.
The “Euskara Merkataritzara” programme aims to encourage the use of Basque in the retail outlets across 9 municipalities in the Cuenca de Pamplona and Puente la Reina districts.
The programme was launched in 1994 in Burlada. More municipalities have been gradually joining since, and today it has spread to 10 municipalities: Ansoáin, Aranguren, Villava, Berrioplano, Berriozar, Burlada, Puente la Reina, Cendea de Olza, Huarte and Zizur Mayor. The programme is run and promoted by the town councils of these municipalities; they all work together and function as a network, and that way they are able to optimise resources. For example, they all use a unified image (with a specific logo), a single social network and a single newspaper.
Right now, over 267 retail outlets in these 10 municipalities are taking steps to increase the use of Basque; they include bars, rural accommodation facilities, boutiques, hairdressers, hotels, design workshops, pharmacies, etc.
These municipalities offer these retail outlets a range of services:
● Free translation service.
● Grants for learning Basque.
● Grants for using Basque on permanent signage.
● Expert support and advisory service.
● Free assistance: “Opening Hours” template; Open/Closed sign; signs announcing sales; posters of greengrocers’, fishmongers’ and butchers’ establishments, etc.
Customer-oriented projects are also run as part of the programme in order to draw attention to the outlets that use Basque; for example, a photo competition of signs and posters in Basque, tablecloths and serviettes in the bars encouraging people to use expressions in Basque (the “Prueba en euskera” –“Try it in Basque”– campaign).
Participation in the programme is free of charge, voluntary and open. To increase participation and bring more outlets into the programme, a promotion campaign is run occasionally with the outlets that are not included in it.