It is an initiative to celebrate our Gaelic language and culture within the community and share it with others who are interested in the language, music, song and dance.
Ceòlas is rooted within the Gaelic heartland of South Uist and is a distillation of Hebridean heritage. Over the past twenty years, Ceòlas has been a key driver in the island’s social and cultural resurgence. The organisation focuses on performance and education that celebrates and promotes local Gaelic culture and heritage, as well as the strong cultural links of the Gàidhealtachd diaspora.
We work to preserve and celebrate the community’s unique Gaelic inheritance. The island’s rich wealth of music, language and culture remains strong. Ceòlas is committed to transmitting a vibrant Gaelic culture to future generations. Since its establishment in 1996, Ceòlas has grown from a week-long music and dance school to become one of Scotland’s leading Gaelic culture, heritage and arts organisations.
Ceòlas has worked with Ireland, Brittany, Finland, Norway, Sweden and Iceland on project development to demonstrate the outward looking aspect of our language and culture. These are some of our nowadays features: All participants to summer and winter school exposed to local language through a compulsory class of 45minutes daily.
Ceòlas Uibhist