Voluntariat per la llengua (VxL) (Language Volunteers) is a programme run by the Direcció General de Política Lingüística (General Directorate for Language Planning) of the Generalitat de Catalunya (Government of Catalonia) and managed on a local level by the Consorci per a la Normalització Lingüística (Consortium for Language Normalisation) through 22 centres for language normalisation spread across Catalonia and 22 officers, one at each centre.
VxL aims to facilitate the practising of Catalan through conversation. Voluntariat per la llengua is a programme that puts a person who speaks Catalan on a regular basis (a “voluntari”) in contact with another person who has a basic level of Catalan but who wants to practice the language (an “aprenent”). That way, language partners are set up; they meet and converse wherever they want, whenever they want and about whatever they want for a minimum of 10 hours (one hour per week over a 10-week period). The programme is geared towards adults only.
The language partners can participate in complementary activities relating to the language and knowledge of the culture and the region. In this respect, VxL has the collaboration of organisations and establishments all over Catalonia.
VxL has gradually become incorporated into various spheres, such as companies, healthcare, justice, sports, functional diversity and religious diversity. Schools and high schools are another sphere of the action of VxL, which facilitates the setting up of language partners among school children through their school teachers.
Voluntariat per la llengua
Direcció General de Política Lingüística de la Generalitat de Catalunya
Leisure, culture, administration