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154. albistaria

Noiztik: 09/11/2023
Nora: 22/11/2023

154. zenbakia | azaroak 9 – 22

Hau duen irudia testua, Bataiarri, pantaila-argazkia, Grafikoak

Azalpena automatikoki sortu da

Soziolinguistika Klusterreko albisteak

Hizkuntzen Erabileraren Neurketen datu basea berritzen eta hobetzen ari da Soziolinguistika Klusterra

Hogeita hamar urte baino gehiago igaro dira behaketa bidez ahozko hizkuntza erabileraren datuak bildu eta aztertzen direla Euskal Herrian. Nagusiki kaleko erabilera behatu izan da, baina neurketak beste hainbat eremutan ere egin dira.

Hau duen irudia barru, horma, pertsona, arropa

Azalpena automatikoki sortu da


Gehi ikerketaren aurkezpena (BIDEOA)

[EMUN] Euskara planek enpresen lehiakortasunari egindako ekarpenak aztertzen ditu Gehi ikerketak. Olatz Olaso Garitano eta Onintza Legorburu Larrea Emunkideek Gehi ikerketaren lehen faseko ondorioak aurkezten dituzte bideo honetan.

Post-compulsory education and the Welsh language: the learners’ voice

[WELSH LANGUAGE COMMISSIONER] The post-compulsory education and training sector plays a crucial role in ensuring linguistic progression for learners. This is the period that bridges statutory education and the world of work, and it contributes directly to the aim of…

The Joshua A. Fishman Award presented by Mouton

[DE GRUYTER] The award was established in 2018 to honor Joshua A. Fishman’s intellectual contribution to research on the sociology of language, the field that he so prominently shaped for many decades.

Jardunaldi, hitzaldi eta ikastaroak

Hedabideetan, helduen euskalduntzean eta administrazioan euskara biziberritzeko etorkizun-ikuspegiari buruzko ponentziak aztertu ditu ‘Euskararen Gogoetaguneak’

[EUSKALTZAINDIA] Egitasmoaren baitako hiru ponentzia aurkeztu eta eztabaidatu dira gaur, talde-lanean: hedabideei, administrazioari eta helduen euskalduntzeari dagokienak.

#1 RISE UP Workshop Review: How to Use Digital Tools to Support Minoritised Languages

[RISE UP] Hosted by Gisela Hagmair (MINDS & SPARKS), “How to Use Digital Tools featured a select group of presenters who explored the intersection of language and technology in the form of digital language activism, minority language podcasting, digital language…

International Association for Minority Language Media Research (IAMLMR) Biennial Conference – Call for Papers

[NWU] The organising committee for the annual conference, hosted by the Indigenous Language Media in Africa (ILMA) research entity at North-West University, Mafikeng, is extending an invitation for submissions to the annual conference of the International Association…

Liburuak eta artikulu zientifikoak

A Linguist’s Code of Conduct: Guidelines for Engaging in Linguistic Work with Indigenous Peoples

[FPCC] This is a “code of conduct” (really, a series of suggestions, thoughts, and reflective questions) drafted by Anna Belew and Amanda Holmes, at the request of the First Peoples’ Cultural Council, to provide guidance and shared/suggested practices for linguists…

Language Activism. Imaginaries and Strategies of Minority Language Equality

[DE GRUYTER] While top-down policies and declarations have yet to establish equal status and opportunities for speakers of all languages in practice, activists and advocates at local levels are playing an increasingly significant role in the creation of new social…

Uncovering minoritized voices: The linguistic landscape of Mieres, Asturies

[DE GRUYTER] Recent sociolinguistic studies have emphasized the role of the linguistic landscape (LL) in relation to languages and identity negotiation. The present study examines the presence of Asturian, a minoritized language spoken in the Principality of Asturies…

Understanding Language Contact

[ROUTLEDGE] Understanding Language Contact offers an accessible and empirically grounded introduction to contact linguistics. Rather than taking a traditional focus on the outcomes of language contact, this book takes the novel approach of considering these outcomes…

Bestelako albisteak

Idoia Etxeberria: “Badirudi badagoela hitanoa biziberritzeko nahia, eta horregatik da garrantzitsua elkartzea”

[UEU] Idoia Etxeberriak (Oñati, 1977) Euskal Filologia eta Kazetaritza ikasi zituen. Badihardugu Euskara Elkartean dabil lanean 2009tik, besteak beste proiektuan eta hitanoa bultzatzen. Oñatiko Ingo Xonau egitasmoko koordinatzailea da eta…

Euskal identitate migratuen bizipenei erreparatzeko instalazio interaktiboa, Errenterian

[BADALAP] Badalabekin elkarlanean sortu dute Euskozenoak, SOS Arrazakeriak eta Dejabuk ‘Hizkuntzak, Gorputzak eta tarteko zirrarak’ instalazio artistiko interaktiboa. Bisitariek euskal identitate migratuen bizipenei erreparatu eta etorkizuneko euskal komunitatearen…

Manxera, inoiz baino biziago

[NAIZ] Unescok bere garaian hildako hizkuntzen zerrendan sartu zuen arren, manxera berreskuratzeko lan handia egiten ari dira Maneko uhartean. Azken datuen arabera, 2.000 hiztun inguru egon daitezke irlan, eta kopurua hazten ari da.

Researchers from four continents gather in Okinawa Island for the first time towards decolonizing futures

[CEIMIPOS] Researchers from Asia, Australia, Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean participated in the International Seminar “Towards Decolonizing Futures: Languages, Culture, Art and Nature under and against Settler Colonialism” held at Meio University.

Liet International Returns in 2024

[EUROVOIX] Liet International is a song contest for regional and minority languages spoken across Europe.