The Technical Office is responsible for managing and developing the objectives, strategies and projects of Soziolinguistika Klusterra.
The Technical Office is currently made up of 8 people:
Olatz Altuna Zumeta
Director of the last five editions of the Measurement of Language Use in the Basque Country. She has mainly worked on methodologies for measuring language use, on the analysis of sociolinguistic indicators and on research into language use by young people.
Asier Basurto Arruti
Topics covered include young people’s language use, methodologies for measuring language use through observation and public communication by organisations.
Olatz Bengoetxea Manterola
She works on projects for the creation, development and application of methodologies focusing on oral communication in the field of formal education. She also offers training sessions adapted to different sociolinguistic scenarios and objectives.
Beñat Garaio Mendizabal
He has worked on sociolinguistics and the revitalization of and, both in the field of research (doctoral dissertation and others) and in the organization of intervention projects (talks, training, youth meetings, leisure…). Is a member of the editorial board of the Bat Sociolinguistics review.
Isabel Godinez Hidalgo
She carries out tasks related to the organisation’s administrative and economic management, caters to the resources and technical needs of the Technical Office and fulfils various technical roles in projects.
Maialen Iñarra Arregi
The topics she addresses include observational measurements of language use (on the street, at university, in sport, etc.), pupils’ language use in schools, language use in youth leisure activities and language activation.
Imanol Larrea Mendizabal
He has dealt with the following topics: immigration, linguistic attitudes, Catalan sociolinguistics, the promotion of Basque in the socio-economic sphere and R&D&I (Research, Development and Innovation) management.
Pablo Suberbiola Unanue
Topics he addresses: Processes of language habit changes, language use by children and young people and the application of language planning in organisations.
Belen Uranga Arakistain
The topics covered include linguistic ecology, linguistic diversity and methodologies for measuring language use.