

The aim of Soziolinguistika Klusterra is to create and manage sociolinguistic knowledge in order to address the needs of the Basque language revitalisation process.

Its goal is to build on and improve the sociolinguistic skills of the parties involved.

To this end, it develops collaborative projects, building bridges between theoretical knowledge and the applied field.


Soziolinguistika Klusterra aims to be a leading research centre for the revitalisation of the Basque language, taking on a leading role in the process of recovery and normalisation of the Basque language and promoting innovation.


Scientific nature: it acts strictly on the basis of the scientific method, which gives it the legitimacy to act independently of external parties.

Collaboration: it is based on reciprocity and collaboration to develop synergies and increase the added value of projects and initiatives. It therefore prioritises cooperation projects within the framework of open innovation.

Social responsibility: its purpose is to make progress in the challenge of revitalising the Basque language and it will transparently publicise the results of the projects carried out. It will also work towards a more equal society on issues such as gender equality, sustainability and anti-discrimination.

Territoriality: its aim is to operate in all the territories where Basque is spoken.

Annual Report 2020