Soziolinguistika Klusterra has published two new Advanced
Cases in the Normalization of the Basque Language. The publications are
available in digital version (.pdf) in basque, french and spanish:
Soziolinguistika Klusterra has published two new Advanced
Cases in the Normalization of the Basque Language. The publications are
available in digital version (.pdf) in basque, french and spanish:
- "Goizper:
Ur tantatik errekara, ibaitik itsasora" (Goizper) - "Elkargi:
Euskara, gure bermerik argiena" (Elkargi)
Soziolinguistika Klusterra wants to thank all the participants
in the project: the collaborators Mondragon
Unibertsitatea (Faculty of Huhezi) and Innobasque,
the sponsors Provincial Council
of Gipuzkoa, Basque
Governmet and Euskadiko
Kutxa, writer Oihana Lujanbio, project manager Joxpi Irastortza, the above
named companies Goizper and Elkargi and the language consulting companies Elhuyar
Aholkularitza and Emun.