FOHLC Europe 2023 Conference
Join us for our 3rd annual free, online conference over two days!
Theme 2023: Harvesting support for HL education: How to seek and maximize resources
Friday and Saturday, November 10 & 11, 2023
(GMT/London time)
17:00 – 19:45 on November 10
16:00 – 19:10 on November 11
Important to remember for our many Central European friends: London time is one hour behind Central European Time!
Online (via Zoom)
FOHLC Europe 2023 is organized by Móðurmál – the Association on Bilingualism, Heritage Language Education Network, Association pour la Promotion et l’Avancement du Multilinguisme – A.P.A.M (Multilingual Café), Association for the Promotion of Polish Language Abroad (APPLA), the Czech and Slovak School Okénko in London, Agnieszka Pędrak, an independent researcher at Trinity College in Dublin, and Sabine Little, a researcher at the University of Sheffield. See or email for more information.
Event description
FOHLC Europe
FOHLC Europe is a collaboration between several groups involved with heritage language (HL) education with the purpose of organizing an annual conference and other regular online gatherings for the teachers and managers of HL programs in Europe, as well as for the leaders of coalitions and networks of HL programs. The goal is to provide a European platform for the exchange of ideas about how to promote HL education, improve the quality and professionalism of HL education, and to map the situation of HL programs in Europe.
FOHLC Europe offers professional development and networking opportunities to professionals in the field of HL education. The 2023 conference will take place online on Friday, November 10, and Saturday, November 11.
2023 theme
Harvesting support for HL education: How to seek and maximize resources
The theme of the 2023 conference is “Harvesting support for HL Education: How to seek and maximize resources.” By attending this conference, you will be equipped with new perspectives about how to seek and obtain resources for your HL program. We have invited experts and practitioners who will stimulate you to think creatively about how you can find funding, lesson materials, partners, volunteers, and other means of sustaining your educational program. Over two days, attendees will receive practical tips and examples of how to find what is needed to keep their educational programs running.
The conference program includes structured networking opportunities designed for professionals in the field of HL education: teachers, coordinators, and volunteers at HL programs as well as for leaders of HL umbrella associations, coalitions, and networks. Parents, academics, or policy makers interested in the topic of HL education are also welcome.
Keynote speakers will be Prof. Yongcan Liu, Professor of Applied Linguistics and Language Education at the University of Cambridge and convener of Cambridge Research in Community Language Education (CRiCLE) Network and Lucie Slavíková-Boucher, chairwoman of the Czech School Without Borders. A pecha kucha presentation will include examples from ten different individuals from across Europe who are active in the field of HL education, in order to demonstrate a range of possibilities when it comes to tapping into resources within local and international communities.
In addition, professional development workshops will be run for heritage language teachers and for program managers. For HL teachers, we have organized a workshop that will show how drama techniques can be an interesting and effective resource in the classroom. For HL program managers, we are offering a workshop to help de-mystify grant-writing.
Every conference includes structured networking sessions for HL teachers, managers, and coalition leaders to connect and discuss questions related to the conference theme.
Friday, November 10 (times in GMT/London time)
17:00-17:05 Welcome
17:05-17:15 Intro FOHLC Europe
17:15-17:55 Keynote 1 Yongcan Liu
17:55-18:05 Break
18:05-18:10 Workshop intro
18:10-19:25 Parallel Workshops (teachers & managers)
Workshop for teachers by Ólafur Guðmudsson (theater/drama in the class)
Workshop for managers by Sabine Little (grant writing)
19:25-19:40 Workshop summary
19:40-19:45 Closing
Saturday, November 11 (times in GMT/London time)
16:00-16:05 Welcome
16:05-17:05 Keynote 2 Lucie Slavíková-Boucher
17:05-17:15 Break
17:15-18:05 Pecha kucha (8 – 10 examples of resources in 45 minutes)
18:05-18:15 Break
18:15-19:00 Networking sessions (organized around pecha kucha topics)
19:00-19:10 Closing