Bilingualism Matters Symposium 2025 The Bilingualism Matters Symposium (BMS) is an interdisciplinary conference organised ... 24 - 25 Mar Egun osoa University of EdinburghEdinburgh (Scotland)
Languages in the City Symposium Cities are spaces where different cultures and languages meet. How ... 07 - 08 Api Egun osoa UtrechtUtrecht
Hizkuntza Gutxituen Nazioarteko Kongresua – Congreso Internacional de Lenguas Minoritarias (ICML) El Congreso Internacional de Lenguas Minoritarias celebra su vigésima versión ... 24 - 27 Eka Egun osoa Universidad Externado de ColombiaBogotá (Colombia)
EuroSLA34 Generally considered the foremost meeting for second language researchers in ... 25 - 28 Eka Egun osoa UiT campusTromso
Aniztasuna, desberdintasuna eta hizkuntza: esperientziak, erronkak eta hausnarketak antropologia linguistikotik 02 Ira Egun osoa Universidad de La LagunaTenerife
4th International Conference on Revitalization of Indigenous and Minoritized Languages About the Conference The 4th International Conference on the Revitalization of ... 12 - 14 Ira Egun osoa Kyoto UniversityKyoto, Japan